Human Resources strategies are designed to make the position of having employees who can say “we” instead of “I” permanent and sustainable in line with our company’s vision.

  • As Telemar Defense, we have made respect for the individual, participation and individual responsibility, openness to innovative and creative thinking, continuous development of human resources as our main beliefs and values ​​in order to keep the motivation of our employees at the highest level. We adopt a philosophy for ourselves that the success of our company will only be possible if each of our employees makes a significant contribution within the framework of their own work and carries this to a level that will affect the overall company performance. In this direction, we always support the active participation of our employees in the management and create opportunities for this. In this way, we aim to create a dynamic team with high job satisfaction, open to development, eager to develop, and always move our line of success higher.
  • Our employees are provided with the necessary opportunities to improve themselves. Considering their professional and personal development, current and potential duties, the training needs of the employees and their managers are determined together and they are met within the framework of the annual training plans created throughout the company.
  • Feedbacks between employees and management are effective in determining our human resources policy. In our company, a performance evaluation system is implemented for an effective and objective evaluation, in which objectives, business results and personal competencies are considered together. This system allows managers and employees to share mutual expectations, and to use concrete, measurable criteria in performance evaluation. In these interviews, the expectations of the employee from the company, personal development demands and training needs are determined.
  • In case of a personnel need, the Human Resources Unit determines the features required by the job and starts the recruitment process through or LinkedIn postings. Incoming applications are evaluated and candidates are evaluated through interviews with human resources, relevant managers and general manager. With the double-stage interview technique, the candidate’s suitability for the required position is measured in the first interview, and the technical knowledge and skills of the candidate are measured in the second interview. Successful candidates are placed in suitable positions. Every interviewee is informed of the result of the interview.
  • Internship programs aim to guide students who may be our potential employees in the future, by giving them the opportunity to get to know the business environment and our international company culture.

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* Telemar Savunma is a M.O.D. approved supplier. (Turkish Army Forces - NSPA-DLA)

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